
冰球突破豪华版试玩致力于为残疾学生提供有意义的机会. Supports are designed around the unique needs of each individual 学生.

  • Students with disabilities have access to equal opportunities to pursue programs of study.
  • A 学生 may choose to disclose a disability at any time while enrolled at the college, 包括在申请过程中.
  • Potential accommodations at the college level may include:
    -Use of assistive technology, specialized software, or audio books
  • Students can arrange a consultation with the 访问ibility Advisor & 服务协调员了解更多关于住宿过程和他们的个人需求的问题.
  • 有关期望的信息在 Students with Disabilities Preparing for Postsecondary Education.
  • 高中和大学对残疾学生的支持是不同的:
的想法 & 康复法案第504条Americans with Disabilities Act and ADA Amendments Act of 2008, 康复法案第504条
教育是一种 正确的 and must be provided in an appropriate environment to all individuals.教育是一种 机会. Students must meet certain admissions criteria defined under the ADA as “否则合格.” Students must also meet the criteria of the accepting institution such as health, 字符, 技术标准, 以及行为准则和课程目标.
的 school district is responsible to identify a 学生’s disability.Students must self-identify to 可及性服务 to access accommodations and services.
学区提供免费测试和评估.Students must provide documentation that supports the requests for accommodations. Students are responsible for obtaining up-to-date evaluations and medical records.
学区制定个性化教育计划(IEP)或504计划来定义教育服务.A reasonable accommodation plan is available to eligible 学生s. iep不适用. 无障碍服务将与学生密切合作,以支持教师实施住宿.
All teachers are contacted by 特殊教育 staff.Students are responsible for presenting reasonable accommodation plans to faculty.
Fundamental alteration of programs and curricula are required.No fundamental alterations of programs and curricula are required. 学生有平等的机会学习课程,并与其他学生根据相同的课程目标进行评估.
Student’s strengths and challenges are determined by specialists.Students are expected to develop self-advocacy skills. 无障碍服务的工作人员可以与学生密切合作,因为他们发展自我宣传技能.
Personal services for medical or physical disability are required.的 college is not required to provide personal services.
可及性服务 may assist 学生s in advertising such services.
*改编自Jeanne Kincaid, Esq.,在AHEAD年度会议上的演讲
  • 的 学生 will need to disclose their disability to the 访问ibility Advisor & 服务协调员.
  • 学生将需要提供他们的诊断文件和相关功能限制的信息,因为它与主要的生活活动有关.
    • Common sources of documentation are 3-year evaluation reports from high school, 等电位点/ 504计划, 从业人员的评估/医疗报告, 或者使用 合理住宿申请表格
    • Information can be brought to CAPS (room 210) or sent to the 访问ibility Advisor & 服务协调员:

朴茨茅斯,NH 03801
电子邮件: (电子邮件保护)

  • 一旦提供了文件,学生将参加与无障碍顾问的会议 & 服务协调员 to create the Reasonable Accommodation Plan (RAP). RAP将验证学生是否有残疾记录,并将概述该学期为学生提供的住宿和支持.
  • 学生 will provide the RAP to each faculty member for review and signature. 学生有责任与教师就该课程的住宿安排进行对话.
  • 的 RAP will need to be updated and renewed with the 访问ibility Advisor & 服务协调员 每学期.
  • 什么是残疾?


你一定有, 有…的记录, 或者被认为有实质性的, 而不是未成年人, 障碍. 实质性损害是指严重限制或限制主要生活活动(如听力)的损害, 看到, 说话, 走, 呼吸, 执行手动任务, 照顾好自己, 学习或工作.

  • 何谓合理住宿计划?

A RAP may include accommodations to make college activities, 设施, 课程参与, 课程内容, 学生可以进行评估.  RAP不会修改课程或课程内容,但可能概述教学和评估方法方面的便利和/或可用于帮助有残疾记录的学生学习的适应性技术, 参加考试, 参加一门课程.

  • 如果我在高中有IEP或504,我需要申请住宿吗?还是只需要转移到大学?

You MUST request accessibility services with GBCC if you want accommodations. 在高中有IEP或504有助于我们把你作为合理住宿计划申请的一部分, but it does not guarantee services and t在这里 are other requirements considered. 请参阅合理住宿申请表或联系无障碍顾问 & 服务协调员了解更多信息.

  • Are 504 Plans and IEPs accepted as documentation of a disability at the college level?

IEP和Section 504计划不被接受为残疾的唯一文件形式. 的y will be accepted along with current evaluations. If you had an IEP in high school and are coming directly to college, 很有可能你在过去的3年里被高中评估过,不需要重新评估. Be sure to contact your high school for copies of these if needed.

  • Will I receive the same accommodations that I received in high school?

学生不应该认为高中提供的住宿也会在大学提供. In high school some IEP’s contained modifications as well as accommodations. 学院提供合理的住宿,不修改课程内容或目标. 提供住宿,以确保平等的访问.

  • 我有/认为我有学习障碍, 但我没有最新的文件, 或者我从来没有被测试过. 我该怎么办??

如果你觉得自己有残疾,而你在高中时从未接受过测试或服务, you should meet with a qualified professional in your local area. 为获得适当的文件而产生的费用由学生负责,学院不提供.

如果你有问题, you may want to talk to your Primary Care Physician (your private insurance MAY cover it), 可以做测试的有执照的心理学家/精神科医生(或者认识可以做测试的人)或者你可以联系 职业康复 如果您目前正在接受他们的服务. 的 evaluator will decide the battery of tests to give you based on your situation.

  • 关于我的残疾,我应该什么时候联系GBCC?

学生应联系无障碍顾问 & 尽快联系服务协调员. 如果可能的话, start the process 4-6 weeks prior to the start of the semester to provide enough time to obtain the required supporting documentation; however, a request for accommodations can be made at any time during the semester.

  • 什么可以用作支持文档?

最好是, supporting documentation must be completed within the last 3 to 5 years prior to the request.

Recent high school graduates with an IEP or 504 Plan: Copies of an IEP or 504 Plan AND last 3-year evaluation (ex. 神经心理测试、言语语言等.高中毕业. 如果你没有复印件,请联系你的高中.

高中毕业5年以上或高中未参加IEP/504计划的学生: Updated neuropsychological testing or other evaluation may be required. 联系无障碍顾问 & 服务协调员 to discuss potential ways to obtain supporting documentation. 的 合理住宿申请表格 including the Verification Form may be considered.

Physical, mental health, and/or other diagnoses that impact learning: 你的医生, 治疗师, 精神病学家, 或其他持牌治疗提供者可填写合理住宿申请表中的验证表格.

  • Are faculty members required to provide accommodations?

Once a 学生 provides their Reasonable Accommodation Plan (RAP) to the faculty member, the faculty member must provide the listed accommodations. 教师可以与学生讨论如何在他们的课程中满足具体的住宿要求. 的 faculty member can also contact the 访问ibility Advisor & 服务协调员的问题或澄清.

Student participation in 可及性服务 is voluntary; however, GBCC is required by law to make services available to qualified 学生s. If a 学生 does NOT provide the RAP to the faculty member, the faculty member is NOT legally required to provide accommodations.

  • 我如何使用辅助技术?

在学术规划和支持中心(CAPS),有残疾记录的学生可以使用辅助技术。. 例子包括:

  • 专门的软件,如语音识别, 缩放文本, 屏幕读取软件, 文字处理器, 等.
  • 人体工程学键盘
  • 消音耳机

请与无障碍顾问联系 & 服务协调员 (电子邮件保护) 获取有关访问这些服务的信息.


冰球突破豪华版试玩一般允许服务性动物在学院维护的所有设施中协助残疾人士. 因此, 残障人士可在其服务动物的陪同下进入学院所有允许公众进入的区域.

This policy applies only to 设施 owned by the 大学 or under its control. 请注意,在非学院设施中使用服务性动物可能会受到限制, 比如医院, science laboratories or other clinical or internship experience locations. 这些限制是由个别设施根据自己的政策和程序制定的,学院无法控制这些限制.

请点击 在这里 有关此政策的更多信息.

冰球突破豪华版试玩在招生和教育项目的管理上没有歧视, 或根据联邦和州民权法,包括1973年《冰球突破豪华版试玩》第504条和《mg冰球突破豪华版试玩网站》,以残疾条件为基础的雇佣行为